The information below applies to the LuxuryKidsParty website. By using the page you agree to this disclaimer.
The general terms and conditions apply to all products, services and offers via the LuxuryKidsParty site. The general terms and conditions can be read via our website. We reserve the right to change the information on this site, the recommendations and the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.
Accuracy of data
The information on this website is for general information only. The greatest attention and care is given to the composition of this site and the information it contains. We attach great importance to the topicality and reliability of the information. However, no rights can be derived from the information on this website. We do not experience any liability for direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of, reliance on or actions taken in response to the information on this website. This also applies to damage (partly) caused by the electronic presentation and transmission of data and / or by technical malfunctions. The price stated on the confirmation / invoice is binding.
Visitors can post their own experiences and reviews on our website. The editors of LuxuryKidsParty checks the content of this, but is not liable for this.
Websites of third parties
Our website also contains links to websites and files of third parties. We are in no way responsible or liable for the content or use of these sites, or for the consequences, if any, of visiting any of these linked sites. The use of these links is at your own risk. The information on third-party websites has not been further assessed by us for accuracy, reasonableness, topicality or completeness.
Linking and referring to pages of LuxuryKidsParty is always allowed. After all, the web exists by virtue of mutual references, among other things. We do appreciate to be informed of this.
The copyright on this website rests with LuxuryKidsParty, ElkeDagFeest and Fairytale Birthday or with third parties who have made this (visual) material available to us with permission. Reproduction, stored in an automated database, or made public, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, by photocopying, recording in any form is only permitted with prior written consent. Unauthorized or improper use of the content or parts thereof infringe intellectual property rights. All disputes arising from or in connection with this disclaimer will be submitted exclusively to the competent court in the Netherlands.
Do you have questions about the above? Please contact us.
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